4th Dutch Bushcraft Weekend in Apeldoorn

6 – 7 May 2006, I helped organize the fourth Dutch Bushcraft Weekend at the prehistoric village Haps in Apeldoorn. There were 70 participants.


  1. Archery
  2. Atlatl
  3. Bird language
  4. Blacksmithing
  5. Bowdrill
  6. Dikshas
  7. Fire making
  8. Flintknapping
  9. Knife and axe maintenance
  10. Knives
  11. Natural meteorology
  12. Navigation
  13. Senses
  14. Shelter building
  15. Smoking meat and fish
  16. Sweat lodge building
  17. Tracking
  18. Water purification
  19. Wild boar tracks
  20. Wood carving
  21. Wood splitting

Other Dutch Bushcraft Weekends I helped organize.

For more recent Dutch Bushcraft Weekends, see Stichting Bushcraft.

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